Orion: Are we expecting a Supernova?

One of the brightest stars on the night-sky, Betelgeuse, has darkened significantly over the last few months, and there is a lot of speculation going on.

Betelgeuse is located in the most familiar constellation of the sky, the Orion-Constellation- visible around the world. It is a so called “Red Giant” and is known for its changing brightness. But recently, its fading brightness gave room to speculations: Is this star going to explode, and are we soon expecting a Supernova?

Orion Sky

Astronomers around the world are not quite sure if the recent changing in brightness is predicting the near end of Betelgeuse. This could as well take another 100.000 years – or it could be that the star has already died – for it is 650 light-years away from the earth. However, it would be a spectacular phenomenon to be observed.

Betelgeuse and Astrology

In Astrology, Betelgeuse is representing war and carnage, and though it is a sign of great fortune in an individual’s chart, it is interesting that the recent change in brightness is corresponding with a very strong Saturn-Pluto-conjunction in Capricorn.

Named conjunction is seen as problematic: In history of mankind, a similar conjunction marked the beginning of the first world-war, and a strong Saturn-Pluto-Square marked the beginning of the second world-war.  

Saturn-Pluto-conjunction in Capricorn

So it is not surprising, that astrologers fearing the worst for 2020. I’ve had read a lot about doomsday-speculations, war-scenarios and other calamity predictions. And yes, crisis around the world are not telling otherwise.

However, I’m quite optimistic. We are facing very strong changes, and it all comes down to how we are willing to deal with them. And though the same astrological signs played out as the darkest part of history in the past- it doesn’t have to be this way now.

2020: Dooms-Day?

I’m not one of those who are in panic-mode- and this is for many reasons. First of all, the climate changes we are dealing with are, seen in the long-run, quite normal. Planet earth is changing, and when you look at it from a historical point of view, this shouldn’t surprise you.

We cannot preserve the status-quo – neither when it comes to the planet’s surface, nor when it comes to society.

Secondly, I’m expecting dooms-day since 2012. And who isn’t?

The Kali-Yuga

But the most important reason is me knowing that the earth’s frequency is rising. Fast. We are now in the dark age of mankind, namely the Kali-Yuga. And seen from this angle, it can’t get any darker.

And no, the Kali-Yuga is not over and will not be soon. But the good news is, the darkest part of the Kali-Yuga, which began 3.100 B.C. – ended in 2012. It just can get better. However, what is not aligned with the changing of frequency will be destroyed. (Or maybe destroys itself, who knows?)

We will see. Love, Leni

Orion in Mythology

In classical mythology , Orion was seen troublesome:
He was doomed after the rape of a goddess – in another version of the story, Hera has sent a scorpio to keep him in check, after he had claimed he could kill every animal on this planet.

Nonetheless the Orion-constellation was highly revered in ancient times, and interestingly for the Babylonians, it represented the embodiment of Gilgamesh- before the great flood.

The Egyptians believed that the gods are coming to earth through the belt of Orion, and the three pyramids of Giza are aligned with this constellation.

In esoteric astrology, the Orion-constellation is a star-sign (amongst 14). People born from May 20 to May 23 are star-sign Orion.

The belt of the Orion is representing the three kings of the New Testament in the christian esoteric tradition

Up-Date June 2020: No more darkening currently, but ongoing drastic changes!

If you want to know more about Betelgeuse in Astrology, check out: https://darkstarastrology.com/betelgeuse/

Duality: The Awakening-Thing

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