My Top 4 Tarot-Readers on YouTube

Well, Tarot on YouTube is quite a thing. Always some readings to check, sometimes tea, and always someone to tell you that your soul mate is near, will return soon, or is not happy with this other bitch. I mean, we all need someone to cheer us up, from time to time.

But over the years (yes I admit I do have this slight addiction to binge-watch), I found myself checking out some YouTube readers frequently. So here are my favourite Tarot Readers on Youtube.

4. Tyler from “Tyler’s Tarot”

Let’s start right with a Tarot-Reader on YoutTube I hate-watch:

When you are happy and you know it, I do not suggest watching him. But, if someone really fucked up – go for it. He is mostly specialized on love-readings, and mostly specialized in telling you that this douche bag is not worth the effort. And he is so dry in his expressions, that you will immediately stop being sad. Or start to hate this whoever (insert name here). Or start to hate Tyler instead. Depends.

Things he will not tell you

He will NEVER tell you that this special one is your one and only twin flame. And this is exactly what we need to here in those situations, when things are so messed up that we even have to go to check out YouTube’s Tarot Readers.

Things he will tell you

He will most of the time tell you that there is someone new on the horizon, if you just stop to making the same mistakes over and over again. Yeah!  And even when he tells you that you two will be together, he will always see some issues with that anyways. So get your illusions destroyed, girl, and watch Tyler’s Tarot.

3. Maggie from “The Irish Gypsy Psychic Tarot Reader”

Maggie definitely belongs in a Top-List of YouTube’s Tarot Readers.

Oh, she is such a sweetheart. And quite gifted. Of course, no general reading can always resonate to the max, but with her monthly and mid-month’s overviews she’s painting a really good picture of the over-all energy. And a pretty accurate one.

From all the Tarot Readers on YouTube, she is the most straight forward, and once, she really saved me from danger. She was talking in that particular reading of a dangerous situation, around a copy-shop, or something like this, and suggested to be extra careful. I brushed that off, but I was at university during that time, it was holidays, so not many people around. I enjoyed that kind of, because I was on my own to work on a thesis paper. And one day, there was a group of students, drinking beer and acting, you know, super annoying. And one of them came to my desk, asking random questions, but the vibes I got where really off. And then I remembered her warning. And I knew: It’s time to go.

So, see, binge-watching has its good sides.

Things she will not tell you

She is not that focus-on-love kind of reader, so her readings are more mature. And this works also for those who already found their soul mate (lucky you), for she focuses more on the over-all-life situation.

Things she will tell you

She will tell you whatever she sees, but not too detailed, so that you can apply it to your own situation. When times (and cards) are not so good, she will always give you some more clarity and advise to focus on a positive outcome.

2. Sal from “EAT READ LOVE Inc.”

He is one of the most popular Tarot Readers on YouTube, and he is in my Top-List as well.

As the name suggests, he does love readings. His readings are quite short but he does daily’s (!) and there is an option to buy extendeds. But reducing him to love readings would be unfair, because he is totally into Vedic Astrology and will give you interesting details on that, if you are open to it.

He is quite positive, and no matter how difficult your love situation might be, watching him making jokes about it, is quite an up-lift. Good to know that all things have a funny side, right?

As he does his readings based on the Vedic Astrology, it is important to know your Rising Sign, your Venus, Mars, Moon and maybe Jupiter. I mostly watch my Rising Sign readings, because these are the ones that resonates the most.

Things he will not tell you

He will not tell you about your life-situation over-all; because his focus is more on relationship – and he definitely will not go into details about the when and the how you both will be together.

Things he will tell you

He will give you a short outlook on your love-situation, and sometimes on your money-situation as well. He definitely will make jokes about your sign, and how funny you act in certain situations. He will also tell you about your situation with this other sign of interest- if they are showing up in the cards.

1. Amber from “The quietest Revolution”

And this is my favourite Tarot-Reader on YouTube:

I don’t know how she does that, but Amber is always good for calling you out on your BS. Her readings are most of the time late, but worth waiting. She combines Astrology with Tarot, and therefore able to tell you what is going on energy-wise.

When you watch her Tarot readings on YouTube, you almost get the feeling that they are personal ones. It’s difficult to say what her readings are about, because they will be different every time you watch them. From all the readers, she offers you the most guidance, for she focuses not so much on your situation, but on how you are dealing with it.

She also has a podcast, and I highly recommend it to you.

Things she will not tell you

Well, there is not a thing she won’t tell you. She will even call you out on your kink. So… The only thing she will not tell you is that you are just a victim of circumstance. And she won’t tell you any of that soul mate stuff, because as we all know, this concept is whack anyways.

Things she will tell you

She will definitely tell you how things stand and how you can improve your situation – or making things worse, depending on your actions. She is pretty specific when it comes to telling you about your sign, and how you guys tend to act out.

I hope you guys had fun with this overview, I’d love to hear from your favourite Tarot-Readers on YouTube!

Love, Leni

Check out, if your Star-Sign is Orion!

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  1. BethKelly

    San Tarot is the absolute BESt psychic reader! NO GIMMICKS, No BS She is the real deal!

  2. Vonnie

    You should totally check out Born Without Boundaries! Michelle is AMAZINGGGG!