The 7 Chakras vs. 9 Centres

A short introduction to a common misunderstanding

There is a lot of confusion in the spiritual world around the Chakras. Mainly, because Human Design Theory claims that there was an evolutionary progression from 7 to 9 centred-being in 1781 on this planet earth. Well. Where to start….

Let me state first, that I can’t possibly fully answer that question in this article, because it is a relatively complex topic. There would be the necessity to give you a complete explanation of evolution, which is problematic for many reasons. Mainly because of what we think we know about evolution is wrong.

We don’t know nothing about Evolution

We are neither technically nor physically nor spiritually the most developed form of the Human Race possible, and there have been more developed Races before us (crazy long ages ago). [If you are interested to do some research on your own, I suggest starting with Helena Blavatsky: “The Secret Doctrine”.]

Secondly, I want and can’t reveal too much of as occult considered knowledge.

Said that, let’s see what I can do.

Basically, there was no evolutionary progress from 7 to 9 centred-being. We are the 5th Human Race living on this planet, and we will not be the last one. The mutation stated by Ra Uru Hu was not a real mutation – of that kind that something has changed in the physical body – but a changing in viewpoint, which brought more awareness to the specific functioning of the Chakras. And even Ra stated that it was more of an intellectual change.

Let me explain this. The Human Design System is a rooted in much older systems like the Kabbalah. The kabbalistic symbol, the “Tree of Life”, is a portrayal of the universe, as well as of the human body.

As you can see, it has 10 centres. The 11th one (which is pale in this chart), is not yet fully manifested – and therefore kind of invisible, but nonetheless important. I will leave it at that.

When you now look at the chart from another perspective, you can see that there are 7 levels:

These levels represent, amongst others, the 7 different levels or energetic spheres of the human body – and this is why we speak of 7 Chakras. But as you can see, some of these levels include 2 centres- as we already know, we have 10 of them. So it all depends on your viewpoint.

Why 9 and not 10 Centres?

When you look at the Rave Chart, you can see that there are still 7 levels, but on the left side there is sort of an unsymmetrical gap – across from the EGO centre. 

(See it here:

This is because we still lack an elaborated outlook on us – the Human Race – as a whole. Our main focus is the individual, especially in the Human Design Theory – and we lack a concept where there is a balancing out of this strong, Ego-based belief – but nothing wrong with that.

On the other hand, you have to look at this topic from a fractal perspective: Every Chakra has its front- and its backside, and in every Chakra each, all the other Chakras are included, so…. do the math.

However, as always, so much more needs to be said on this topic- I leave it at that at the moment.

Love, Leni

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Cat

    Hmmm, I’m not sure how this makes sense. Would be great if you could go a bit deeper. In the images above it looks like the levels with 2 centres are L3, 5 and 6, but those don’t correspond with the levels in the HD chart, which would be L3 (solar plexus+spleen), L4 (ego+G), and there would be one missing which is the one you’re mentioning opposite the ego centre, but then I can’t make sense of the rest?

  2. Manisha

    Ohhh am happy I came across this Post coz was trying to correlate Human Design 9 centers with not just 9ld 7 chakra system but post 2012 Ascension 12 chakras system too n was wondering why Human Design didn’t speak about 2012 Ascension n updates happening in Chakra n DNA layers ?..