5 Reasons To Love Manifestors As A Projector

Well, this scary nine percent of the world’s population: Manifestors. Feared, hated, and secretly admired. They would be the most interesting creature on earth, were it not for projectors. But as we savvy kings of kings hate nothing more than focusing on ourselves, let us focus on Manifestors for now and find 5 reasons to love Manifestors as a Projector.

Me, the Mental Projector and the struggle with Generators

Me, the 4/6 Mental Projector loves Manifestors. Dearly. There is always a sisterly or brotherly feeling when dealing with them. Honestly, I never feel 100 sure about Generators. Generators are confusing. This loud buzz is just like fog around them. Hard to see through, on both ends. You can never know when the sacral signals go time. Being hocked into a Generator’s aura is therefore an exhausting experience at least for me, the MP. Even when I love them. But the buzz just NEVER stops.

That leads us to my Top 5 reasons to love the scary Manifestors.

Here are my TOP 5 reasons to LOVE Manifestors as a Projector

1. Communication-Skills, Baby!

Oh yes. Informing back and forth is a really efficient way to communicate. In a sense, informing the Manifestor is the best way for me to keep my aura in check. Getting informed by a Manifestor and inform them back is a cute and not at all disturbing way to keep socially awkward without being socially awkward. Talking about foggy inner visions and feelings, generated by a general involvement in this Maya-World, is not included when communicating with a Manifestor. We will talk facts. Subjective facts. That is a huge difference. And yes, we will also talk about the impact the Manifestor has on their environment. Because. You know.

2. Clarity

When a Manifestor informs you, you know what is up. No second guessing, no confusion. Life is always happening to a Generator. Generators are designed for that: Reaction to external stuff. But not so the Projector, and not so the Manifestor. There is something that comes with not having a defined sacral. It is in a sense a different view on life: A clarity that comes from outwardly oriented focus. Imagine it in VR: Generators are first-person players, whereas a non-sacral being watches reality from a third-person’s perspective. (I guess we MP are more bird’s-eye-view-players.)

Manifestors and Projectors are third-person players

Manifestors are third-person players

As a Projector, this Maya world is pretty easy to master – you just aligned yourself with the flow and the magic happens. The invitations flow. (We have other problems.) Manifestors whereas push forward and impact the flow by letting it adjust to them. (Sounds great, but they are honestly much more personally involved by nature.)

But for both, the Manifestor and the projector, it is important to find the space and peace they need to overlook the situation first. And this is not (solely) a mental thing. Clarity of what to do next or what to await, comes with the stillness of mind and body.

3. You can’t get stuck into a Manifestors Aura

As there is no sense in questioning a Manifestor’s decision, there is absolutely no room for discussions. And this is a good thing, because the Manifestor pushes you out of her/his aura asap when they are about to do Mani-business.  

You always get this still-hocked-in-the-aura-feeling when the Generator is not even present, once you are involved. Never had this problem with Manifestors. Even when things went left. No.

4. Protection

The aura of a Manifestor is very protective IF they let you come close. It is relaxing to enjoy this as a Projector, because you can focus on the Manifestor, and the surrounding gets energetically blurred out. Like chatting in a safe bubble, protected from others. Yes. Very comfortable, because as a correct operating Projector, you are magnetic, which means you always have to watch out for the things that get attracted to you. Not so when in the aura of a Manifestor. Have you noticed that?

5. Manifestors are Mischief approved

Girl, they are really fun company. Even when grumpy. And yet, they make no annoying eating noises!

More: What it is like to be Manifestor?

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  1. mikael

    what do you mean about eating noises? Do generators literally eat louder?