Projectors and Sports: How sporty are you?

Is sports and Projectors really a contradiction? There was an interesting question, coming from a Manifestor: Why are the Projectors in his family so obsessed with training during quarantine? Where do they get the energy from? And why are Projectors even sporty? Me, the Mental Projector, replied that I love training. Yoga. Hiking. Mountaineering. The conversation quickly turned into: How often do you train? Per week? What’s your training schedule? Typical energy-type questions. Let’s set the record straight.

Training vs. Training

First things first, let’s talk about my training. I know it is said that Projectors do most of the time not have enough energy to train. That it is actually quite unhealthy to do LOTS of sports. But I love doing sports.

I always enjoyed being active. In fact, I have an active body, HD Chart-wise. I did: Ballet, Fencing, Climbing, Yoga, Hiking, Skiing. Yoga was so far my favourite, that’s why I kept doing it.  And I love the mountains, so I kept going to the mountains. I’m quite obsessed with views so there is no better place for me than on a mountain top.

But if you’d ask me about my training schedule, there is none. Having a plan to train, like 4 times a week weightlifting, cardio-training 3 times a week, Yoga twice a week – you know, like Generators set their goals – this turns me actually quite off. Because … no. I don’t do it like that. I mean, there are times when I feel like going to the gym EVERY DAY, and I do so, when I feel the urge, but only for a few weeks. Then I’m done.  Because I train when I feel like. And I sleep, when I feel like. I do not set goals, I do not count the weights I lift, the kilometers I run.

Projectors and Training
Yoga, Training and Mental Projectors

In my own Aura

One thing I learned quickly, is that I love to stay in my own aura. Doing sports on my own is the best thing ever. The other thing that is important for me is the extra-benefit I gain from certain activities. Like nature, when hiking or the meditative state when doing Yoga. Even deforming my body on a ballet bar was nice, because I loved the classical music. Or winning a fight when fencing. But athletics, like running just to run, I never liked that. I don’t even like hiking when there is no mountain involved.

Yoga, Training and Mental Projectors

So why it is said that Projectors are not able to train a lot? Some Projectors have defined Motors, so if any, it might be ok for them to do sports. But there is this one Mental Projector who is a famous tennis-player: Serna William. Not-self Projector and most probably about to burn-out? Just amplifying the sacral energy of her opponents? Not so fast with judging. Because I know Generators who would rather enjoy surfing on the couch, than engage in sportive activity.  

The Flow

When you are engaged in an activity you really love, you do not perceive it exhausting. In fact, you will not recognize that you are even doing something. You just enjoy. And as we Projectors are here to play, not to work, I can imagine that playing tennis the whole day could be quite fun.

I know, when doing sports on a pro-level- there are certain other kinds of training you have to do. That was the part I did not like about fencing. They made me do paly hokey, f. ex., when I knew this is counterproductive for me. You learn what you have to learn, when fencing, right? So, image a trainer who knows how you love to do things- who says Serena Williams did not have one? And doing some off-topic training from time to time is not that bad. Actually. Yes, some Mental Projectors love their training.

Focus and Awareness

When I go to the mountains or doing the Yoga – at a certain point I do not realize the movements anymore – my mind shouts down, and I become the movement: I’m in the flow. In fact, mountaineering gets dangerous high-up – there is no time to be exhausted. Or fencing. When you like to win a fight, the focus cannot be on yourself, you must be more aware of the opponent. And this is what we Projectors are good at, right? Focusing on the other, scanning and observing. I think therefore Serena Williams is made for the tennis-game.

Mental Projectors and Yoga

Mental Projectors seem to have a natural affinity to Yoga.

Me, I LOVE Yoga. I do it every day, but the intensity varies. I rarely skip a day, just when I really do not feel like, or this one time this summer, when I hurt my neck.

But it is not like: I have to do so-and-so-many Asanas. There are times, when I do Yoga the whole day – 12 hours straight- and others, when I just do a mini-set of 20 min. stretching out. I do not consider it as something special or even as training – to me it is like brushing my teeth or doing detox regularly. I just need it.

Yoga is not a Training

I quite amused when peeps do Yoga, like it is the ultimate work-out. Like in the gym, where they do it like competitive sports. This is not what Yoga is about. I do not care how flexible you are (because, 20 years of Yoga, you can’t win), and I even do not care how many mountain-tops you can reach in on day. Generators love that stuff. I know.

When I do Yoga, it is about supporting my body and long time ago it was because of the spiritual waking-up thing (subconsciously). When I climb on mountain-top, it is because of the view. That’s when I love sports. That’s how I do it. Projector-Style. And I love my amazing butt I got as byproduct. Just saying.

So, lovely Projectors, just do what you love. And if you prefer to sleep, go for it.

Love, Leni

more insights on Mental Projectors

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  1. Stephy


    I'm learning so much about myself. I never realized that, as a mental projector, I can't live my life quite the way people around me do. I was always so down on myself about that! Yet, when I feel my own power, I feel very powerful and it seems like a contradiction for my energy-type (I'm new to this, so maybe I'm wrong though!). I thought I was a slacker because even though I'll plan out my day (ie- I'm going to do an hour of yoga after work), there are no long term goals that I stick to (ie- and I'm going to do this everyday, indefinitely). Things are highly subject to change, and it can seem rather whimsical to others as though I can't commit to any goals. But the irony is, I'm quite the achiever. I never understood it, I still don't completely get it… but I'm STARTING TO, and it's so empowering!!

  2. Noor

    Love this blog!!!

    I love activities a lot, I have a lot of energy when it comes to activities. And the way you described it – about enjoying it, and not ‘working it’s, that makes alot of sense.

    I love weightlifting, walking, playing games, being creative. I’ve had alot of energy since I healed a lot of trauma.

    And now that I’m getting to know that I’m a projector, I am happy to hear that I don’t have to do much because as a channeler I’m also receiving that same message! But I still do have high energy somehow.

    However, I do want to highlight the fact that it’s important to not be identified or put in a box – I say this because I’ve seen people whining that they’re like this and that because of being a projector – forgetting the Universal fact that we are limitless beings.

    This stuff is created to help us expand, not limit.

    Thank your for writing this!!

  3. Darryl

    I am a 5/1 mental projector and I love tennis. I sometimes play 4 hours a day but most weeks it is 3-5x for 2 hours each time. Part of my HD is that I need to have a physicality in my daily life (Gate 46: Line 6) and I am not sure what I would do without being in nature and doing some form of physical activity. It feeds my soul and HD.

    I used to love running but started to get too many injuries from running on payment so I needed to choose one or the other.

    I cannot understand this tiredness some projectors talk about.

    I wonder if they have not found their unique purpose and not living in their strategy and authority? That right there gets tiring.