Human Design: Let’s talk the Defined Head Center

How does the Mind operate?

Whenever I heard someone asking a defined Head Center: But how do you know that? – their answer was: I don’t know, I just downloaded it. How does it work?

The Mind-Game

I talked about open Head Centers before. I love the beauty of a completely open mind, and I love the beauty of solely defined Ajna and Throat. In the first case, when truly in self mode, the mind is pure and simple, without unnecessary, complicated thinking patterns. Easy connecting dots without being able to explain the why, and right on spot questions, which can only come from childlike wisdom.

The defined Ajna and Throat whereas works specifically in those fields the person is interested in – by structuring the knowledge and explaining the minds infrastructure by using the metaphors of the science of choice.

The Defined Head Center

And then there are Defined Head Centers.

The “thinking” of defined Head Centers works completely different. But what seems like “downloading” or intuitive knowledge is actually a specific way of operating.

The defined Head Center

The two Languages of the Mind

Logic and Structure

Defined Head Centers translate conversations, ideas, theories, … automatically into 2 different languages:
1. the language of logic, and 2. the language of symbols.

They see the structure of every argument given, in which there is not so much variation once you’ve seen it, for the logical requirements of using language remain equal for different kinds of debates.

A defined Head operates that way naturally without reflecting this process.

Symbols and Emotions

And then there are the conversations variables. The used words. More to say, the used symbols.

The defined Head is plugged-in and rooted in, let’s call it “the source”, as the defined Root Center is rooted in deep earth. In its modus operandi, the mind is no longer operating with words or sentences, for they are a limitation to specific information. The “thinking” is the task of the Ajna. It is now operating with symbols, which transport more information at once and a variety of concepts. They even contain emotions. The dialogue you get out of this is therefore more complex.

It is not true that the letters of the alphabet are the ultima ratio. It is the Hieroglyphs, as we can see from our WhatsApp chats.

Downloading the Source Code

Whenever I heard someone asking a defined Head Center: But how do you know that? – their answer is: I don’t know, I just downloaded it.

That means you do not have to explain them the whole topic in first place, even when they are not familiar with it. This actually annoys them. You give them just a few hints, and their defined Head will automatically read the necessary extra-information: In first place by stucturing the information logically, and then by reading the symbols that connects the given information to other topics.

It seems like magic, but acutally it is just a form of communication on the meta level. On a meta level – when using the language of symbols – the conntections are made easily.

The Intuitive – the Defined Head-Self

At this point, it is easy to see that defined Head Centers are connecting more dots and actually see the Matrix. But of course, this is a craft to master. As Ra is saying, you can get lost in there, better to say in the details. Even Neo had to train, right? Once mastered, it can lead to deep insights and sometimes can appear psychic.

I love my Defined Head -girlfriends. When I’m too emotional about something and not seeing it (the defined Head-thing ?), they see it. And vice versa. That is why they always have suggestions about a certain situation. Nothing eases the pain of a defined Head Center better than another defined Head Center.

Love, Leni

Let’s also talk Open Head Center!

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  1. Sylvane

    As a mental projector with only ajna and throat defined, you don’t understand us at all. Just fyi.