The Fool | The Tarot Series

The Number of the Fool in the Tarot deck is 0. Zero is to numbers what black and white is to colours. Is it real? Well, this is exactly the question we need to address when it comes to everything manifest, but never can clearly answer. And this absence of any clear solution is only pleasant when we can enjoy the spiralling ride on pure energy. With no intensions in mind comes the absence of fear.

How to read the Tarot Card: The Fool

The Fool is representing this innocent forward moving, yet testing the limits of manifestation, because although the Fool is not forcing manifestation by will (or agenda), he is driven forward by life energy.

In the Thoth Tarot, the Fool almost stumbles forward towards the reader, sparking energy in his hands, without any efforts of control.

In the Raider White Tarot, the Fool is walking, eyes to the sky, towards an abyss. Theoretically in danger, he balances his alchemistic tools perfectly well without concern.

1. General Meaning

The Happy Fool

The Fool Card in our spread stands for new energy. When we overcome our fears, we can let go of the restrictions our mind comes up with. Suddenly we have access to resources we haven’t been aware of, leading us to act on fortunate impulses. Therefore, this card can represent a new path in life, new beginnings, or an overall excitement for the future.

The Joker

The negative aspect of this card is the Fool’s natural lack of rational decision making. When confronted with difficulties, we might to prefer to ignore them. Or we might not have developed the mental strength yet to decide to not act on impulses which might not be considered reasonable. Just like teenagers, the Fool then act out foolishly, because the context of understanding or the thoughtful consideration of consequences was missing.

2. The Fool and Business

The Fool Card encourages us to move forward when we have weight out our options and chances. After we considered the threats and have done our homework, it is time to enjoy the knowledge, take a risk and trust the process. New business adventures ahead.

Questions and challenges

Too good to be true? Too blue-eyed? Blinded by success and blind to pitfalls?

3. The Fool and Love

New love ahead, or happily divorced? Congratulations. The Fool Card shows us, that we finally do not overthink it anymore. We can innocently enjoy whatever the universe brings to us.

Questions and challenges

Enjoying innocently love, but it is not with your spouse, brushing off the concerns? Trying to have fun, but it is not? In love with being in love?

4. The Fool and Money

Get ready, here it comes.

Questions and challenges

Invested everything on a good idea and thought it is a good idea?

5. Spirituality

The closure. In its highest aspect, the Fool has no negative aspect to it whatsoever.

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