I’ve watched “The Goop Lab”

So you don’t have to.

There is a lot of controversy going on in the mainstream media about the new Netflix Series “The Goop Lab”. Scientists all over the world are warning about its pseudo healing claims and even consider this series a possible threat for your health.

Is “The Goop Lab” really that bad?

Actually, it was quite fun to watch people taking psychedelics, breathing heavily and jumping into the cold water. There is nothing wrong with self-experience.

However, I’ve been there, done that. I’ve jumped into the cold water, I took psychedelics, and it was a lot of fun, until it wasn’t. Of course, a winter swim and cold water is refreshing, but I also got pneumonia, because I stressed it a little too much. Actually, it is not boosting your immune system, sauna whereas does.

Psychedelics and Energetic Healing- The real thing?

And the psychedelic-thing… yes. You think you know so much then, you think you’ve got insights, but no. Actually you are just on drugs. A wise woman once said: “Taking drugs is like checking with a lighter if the gas line leaks. If not, you have a funny trip. But if, your mind blows.”

And I guess that is true. I experienced these trips, but did it heal my PTSD or depression?  No. Don’t get me wrong, nothing wrong with taking drugs, if you enjoy it – but it is not to be confused with spiritual enlightenment or healing. But whatever drug help you to get through the day- go for it. Just don’t think it is better than taking subscribed psychotropic drugs.

The real issue

And this is the real issue of this series. All these different approaches and self-experience experiments claim to be the ultimate healing thing. But, is there is such thing? No drugs, no doctor, no needles, no Guru can do what you have to do to: Healing is an inside job. The rest plays a supporting role.

There is a need for Brands like “Goop”

On the other hand, everyone claims to know the real “truth”. Conventional Medicine as well as alternative approaches. The only thing different is that Conventional Medicine is based on empirical, clinical studies – but how reliable are they? When we keep in mind that most clinical studies are sponsored by the powerful Big Pharma, one has to remain sceptical. But isn’t this alternative health sector or brands like “Goop” becoming a big financial venture as well? And becoming more and more fundamental?

But there is a need for it. Actually, I think in a world where we have to function and continuously improve ourselves to keep pace, it’s good to take a time-out and watch some random stuff on Netflix. And who doesn’t wanna know how Gwyneth Paltrow’s vagina smells like, right?

See yourself: https://goop.com/

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