Human Design: The Correct-Invitations-Thing

What are correct Invitations for Projectors?

After reading a document once more, where Ra Uru Hu speaks of formal invitations for Projectors, I felt like re-thinking the whole Correct-Invitations-Thing. Because the honest truth of all truths is: In my life, I initiated stuff that turned out to be successful, and I’ve got invitations that turned out to be the greatest disasters ever.

Correct Personal Invitations

This one invitation, which comes from recognition.

Ra speaks of the one, formal invitation that gives us Projectors access to the life-force. Yas, right, he speaks of ONE. Not many, not invitation after invitation, just one. This one invitation, which comes from recognition. Secondly, he speaks of the Aura of Projectors, which projects itself into the Aura of an Energy-Type, and then waits if it clicks – and if it clicks, the mechanics start to work and plays out as a formal invitation. Like: you pay for my dinner, if it clicks. (Don’t be mad at me, Ra said so!)

Nothing left to say, right?

After reading this, I find myself asking why there are still so many misunderstandings around invitations, formal invitations, about what an invitation is or is not, and so on and so on.

Why do some Projectors speak of “energetic invitations”, whereas others say there is no such thing? Why some say you always need an invitation for interaction or guidance, and why some other Aura-Types use this “you need an invitation first” as a weapon against Projectors. Or why this “You need a FORMAL invitation” is used from Projectors as a weapon against themselves. 

Yes, so much more needs to be said on this topic, like that Projectors are the most powerful of all types, and therefore there’s an urge to control this force -even as self-control out of fear. But let’s not focus on that.

Let’s come back to Ra, because I do not want to speak of the easy-cheesy kind of invitations, we are all hopefully familiar with.

Inviting Aura

Interestingly, Ra speaks of the Aura of Projectors as forcing others to invite them. And those naughty Projectors can even put their Aura into someone else’s Aura and then wait if it clicks. That is a very active way of getting the invitation, right? I know very well (and who Projector doesn’t) that I can force others to invite me, which means more precisely to do what I want.

Before I was active in the experiment, I did not pay much attention on that. It took me a while to figure out that I make people unhappy this way, and on the long run, made them avoiding me. Bitter, isn’t it?

Correct Invitations


When it clicks, it is like the start of an engine.

But sometimes I did initiate projects, relationships, etc. that worked out pretty well. In retrospective analysis, I did exactly what Ra speaks of: I projected my Aura into someone else and then I waited if I get the click-feeling. And the click always showed off as a formal invitation.

When it clicks, it is like the start of an engine. It’s then that the Energy-types are totally into it, and in doing-mode. And sometimes even think that it was their own idea to do so in first place. They are really happy then to invite you or to do stuff for “you”: they see you, they feel you, and they love you. But again, no bitter feeling if it doesn’t click and the engine is not starting, even though they may say otherwise.

You really feel when it’s right, or see it, or hear it, or whatever, getting visions, depending on you. Just carefully with the lightsaber, Jedi! And: Do not invite. Suggest.

This works pretty well for me, esp. since I’m aware that I’m doing it. I suggest, and then I see and wait. Well, it’s a sharp line, and could be that this doesn’t feel right for everyone. But on the other hand, Generators do wait for something to respond to, and Manifestors also need a welcome-feeling. What means they also need a hug, from time to time.

Correct Transpersonal Invitations

But there is another type of invitation I want to talk about, and to make it more ostensive, I give you an example.

For sure, everyone knows that silence, when a whole group suddenly turns quiet and the energy is building up. You can literally feel that they are waiting for someone to say something, to answer a question, etc. It’s not an unpleasant silence, but an awaiting one. That could be the moment for you to step in (when you know what to say or what needs to be done). I was never wrong, when I then took the lead. But I waited really long, and I always knew when it was my moment to show up.

Are there energetic Invitations?

The thing is, it’s not about you in that kind of situations. This is something I really can’t stress enough. It’s not about you. You as a Projector are called to take aligned action, and for whatever reason you are called, it’s not about you as a person. This makes it sometimes a little confusing, because such invitations are different from personal ones.

Personal Invitations come from recognition; Transpersonal Invitations do not require recognition

A correct personal invitation is a formal one, because it is about you. But an invitation which is transpersonal, is situational, you may even say it is energetic. It is made out of a transpersonal need for guidance. They need you to play your role as a Projector.

And I don’t want to get lost in a Penta-discussion at that point, because this is not my focus. But as these ties up with some really common misunderstandings, I want to touch them briefly.

Reading time 1 minute

Correct Invitations for HD Projectors and Recognition

  1. Recognition from others is not something they can give you willingly or deny you willingly (even though some Manifestors may think so) – or you can receive just because you want to.  


  2. The Invitation-Thing is not always a pleasant thing for the person who invited you, because in order for you to guide, you must challenge the satus quo.

    And who really likes their belief-system or self-image getting destroyed, right? But it is easier when they have invited you to do so. Wait.

  3. Wise saying that it is never about you, isn’t it?

    Do not confuse the role you play with who you are.

As always, so much more needs to be said, but I leave you with that to meditate on. XoXo Leni

Mental Projectors: Outer Authority

In case you wanna know more about my Design!
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  1. Sarah

    Wait what!? That’s why I kept searching for more information about the invitation, because it didn’t feel totally correct. This makes so much more sense! But the last part wasn’t that clear. NEED TO KNOW MORE!!

  2. Anna

    A deep&warm thanks from a 4/6 Mental Projector. Finally something real in this vagueness )