The 4/6 Design Profile: Between Love and Hate | Human Design

The Opportunistic Role Model

I am a Mental Projector with a 4/6 Profile. My personal experience with this profile is somewhere between love and hate. (#not-self) And I know many of you with this profile feel the same. Time for me to share some learnings.

The 4/6 Profile

As many of you know, the 4/6 profile goes through 3 major stages in life:

Stage 1: Chaos

The first 30 years, until your Saturn return, are pure chaos. You live your life as a 1/3 profile: mostly try and error, right? For Projectors, the first years are especially challenging, because hanging round with the wrong peeps and getting hooked on their energy is pretty damaging to your self-worth and energetic balance. Above all that, 4/6s tend to develop a quite fatalistic and pessimistic view on life in general, because of all that what is not working out. Friendships, relationships, and career is a try and error process, without the easy breezy mindset of a 1/3 profile, that is born for this: Didn’t work, thank you, next.

Around the age of 30, you might think: How can I go on and live like this forever?

Stage 2: The Rooftop

The 4/6 Profile
Its great here.

I was told about the rooftop stage when I was around 26 and already kinda confused about my life choices. Of course, I would not believe it.

But at the age of 30, my life came to a complete hold. Suddenly I found myself sitting alone in my flat, and thinking about life, too tired to socialize. I was so tired, that I could not even think of planning a future or a career.

I found myself sitting on the rooftop, and that was also the time when I was learning more about Human Design. And I began to study again. And sometimes I did Yoga for 16 hours straight. Just because.

Many 4/6 Profiles (like my mother f. ex.) moving to other countries around that age, changing their career paths and friends, or just disappear for the outside world and are just unavailable.

This stage lasts until the Chiron return around the age of 50.

In that very long timespan away from any personal involvements (when living your design correctly), 4/6 peeps develop a more optimistic view on life while observing the mistakes of everyone else. They prepare for climbing of the roof as role models.

Stage 3: Off the roof – The Role Model

Thrown of the row, probably the same way life catapulted you on it, 4/6s live as role models amongst us. They may fall in love again after 20 years of being not committed or just existing next to a person they do not love. According to Ra, most probably this one person is the best friend’s wife or husband. As Role Models, they are living examples of how to do it right.

4/6 Profile Specifics and Learnings

The 4/6 Profile is also called the Opportunist. That one mantra Ra Uru Hu told peeps with this profile is: “Never leave a job without already having another one, never leave your lover, unless you already found another one.”

Relationship-hopping? Yes, but No. (4/6 Profile Issues)

When quitting without having something else on hand, you get separated from the life force – according to Ra, and this will make it extremely hard for you to find a new job or lover. I guess this is true…. but. Leaving a lover for another person is the most painful thing you can do another person, much more than concluding it just does not work anymore. Call me a moralist. I’m OK with it.

On and Off the Roof

I spend the last 10 years in solitude. I was not planning it. It just happened. At the beginning, I needed time to heal, then time to study, then time to heal more. Peeps were getting on my nerves too easily – getting involved in some earthly superficial human stuff was not pure enough for me.

Yeah. But after awhile, this gets boring. Right? So, I climb off and mingle at times only to quickly jump back on the roof again. Because, though I do not like it there as much as I did before, I need it. I really need it. Oh solitude, my greatest joy! The soul needs what the soul needs, no matter what you think of it.

Becoming a 4/6 Role Model slowly but surely

Ok. Sounds cool but is not. At least by now, because I have 10 more years on the roof.
I’m a role model in the making, if you will, and I can already see it building up and seeing the responsibility that comes with it.

Role Models and Copycats

Examples? OK. My classmates at university. Me, always attending class dressed up and looking nice. The mates used to be casual. After a few weeks, everyone was dressing up and looking decent. See. I did not say anything, but the style level definitely increased.

Me planning shopping time in the mornings (and I am not a morning person). Because at the afternoon’s, that specific store was too crowded. So, I went there before breakfast, the store was empty and me was thinking: Yeah! I can try on the clothes without getting disturbed. But no. My attracting Projector Aura and my Role-Model-in-the-Making-Vibes filled the store in only 10 minutes. Much more peeps than there were previously in the afternoons. Stuff like that is happening all the time. What to do?

Peeps looking at me, and then tend to subconsciously do what I do. Well, if what I do is good, good. But I am not an angel yet, and they copy even the bad stuff. Not so good. At the beginning, I made fun of all the copycats, until I understood that it is just my role. So- I have to be extra careful of what I put out there. See, 10 more years of learning ahead!

Abdication: The Secret 4/6 Profile Theme

This is something which is rarely discussed in the Human Design Community, but the 4/6 Profile have an underlying theme going on: Abdication. And this has everything to do with power. See, being from such huge impact on your environment, without doing anything, you are a born influencer. 4/6 peeps are here to be seen, to influence and impact, but without doing anything extra. It all depends on your Aura-Type.                     

But it is not that easy. Because everyone wants to be an influencer nowadays, right? But not everybody can. And of course, someone will step forward and try to outshine you. Or has a different opinion. As Opportunities we do not feel called to take opposition. As a consequence, someone else will end up as the Queen in the kingdom you have created. And most probably, they will forget that you did so in first place and try to get the rewards.

The kingmaker, not the king

Unless you are off the roof, you just have to accept that you are indeed the kingmaker, and not the king. And it is not that bad, once you have seen the role you have to play in the power game. As a 4/6, your power lies in influencing your personal environment, not so much in influencing strangers. Though you still have impact, you will not get rewarded for that. But how cool it is to crown the king you have chosen?

Transpersonal Mediation

As a 4/6 Profile, you are the last profile with personal determination. You are therefore playing the role of transpersonal mediation: You are leading to transpersonal change just by doing your thing. It is about you and how you live your life, but you have to keep that separated from the influence you have on others. What they do with that, is their business. I know. That’s the hardest part, right?

Not sure which Profile you are?

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Love Leni

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This Post Has 16 Comments

  1. Harley

    Interesting. I’m in the third phase I’m a generator 4/6. I see the links of this truth in my life. I feel as though my heart and my mind are on the same page for the first time!

  2. Kirsty

    Thank you for your explanation. I am a 28 year old, 4/6 emotional projector navigating this human life and find it difficult to swallow the 3 phases of life. What does that mean? How do we do why we love without initiating? I appreciate the nuggets of gold you’ve included here that I haven’t heard before.

  3. M M

    thank you for the clarifying comments about the second phase. i am ten years into my second phase and have been feeling concerned about how cut off from life i feel, but this makes me see it differently. i heard another comment on the second phase that i should be in a place of stability and influence already, but i really feel i’m still recovering from phase 1, still love solitude, still love to be out of the game. i literally threw away everything i owned and moved to mexico at 37 because i just needed the ocean so badly.

  4. V

    I really needed these valuable words today. I’m a 4/6 ego projector and am climbing into the roof feeling a bit lost, uncertain about my trajectory, inward facing and tired. Not like my old energised, fun and experimental self! Knowing this may be part of the transition makes me feel better, I’ll just have to work on my impatience in waiting for the third phase to arrive now ? Everything in divine order ✨

  5. Mort

    I`m a 4/6 emotional generator

    I think I’ve already been on the roof lol. I’m 23 years old and have been self isolating socially for the past 12 years 😀

  6. Carlos Cano Navarro

    Thanks Leni

    1. Leni


  7. Karen

    Damn. Describes me to a tee. I feel called out.

  8. Dija

    4/6 mental projector who just turned 30. It’s insane how quickly my life changed and I’ve moved states away from the influence of everyone. I feel much different than I did in my 20’s-less messy and out there, more inclined to be inside and sit back against the advice of so many. I have no tolerance for anyone who pushes me to “DO” and am realizing everything has to be on my own time. So excited for my trajectory, and pray I’ve gained wisdom from my recent Saturn return. Thank you for this very relatable article.

    1. Kirsty

      Would love to connect online Dija as I’m 28 and feeling very much like you described. Over the last year I shifted so much and am navigating these changes. My fb is Kirsty Symmons and IG is @ksymo_ for any fellow 4/6 projectors to connect. Would love to connect to more 🙏🏼

  9. Allen

    OMG. I’m a Projector with 4/6 Profile as well, and I can say this article has very accurate description of what the trajectory of a 4/6 projector is like. I just entered the second phase of 4/6 and it’s good to get the heads-up of the theme i’m going to encounter. Thank you so much!

  10. Katelyn

    I’m a 4/6 Emotional Manifestor in my thirties too, haha! I just had a reading done yesterday and holy moly, it is incredible! Would love to connect and share with anyone to gain more insight and understanding. All the Love!

    1. Bonnie

      Literally me but I’m 29. Let’s talk X

      1. Victoria

        4/6 non-emotional Generator in my late 20s. In the last year or so after a lot of confusion and on the wrong career path, I realized what I want to do. Now, it’s still in the process of making it happen. I hope that when I turn 30 there will be less stress and I will eventually feel like myself and live the life peacefully.

  11. Julia

    I’m a 4/6 Generator in my thirties. I have 2 big dreams in my life. Living in beautiful nature and living with the man I love. It looks like I should wait until my 50’s. No way. I’m sure there are ways to take care of my personal space and need for solitude and still living a beautiful love life. Dreams of the heart come first.

  12. David Carlson

    Great piece. I relate to so much of what you shared. Thanks!