Supplements You Might Need In Wintertime

Supplements are overrated? I used to think that too. I considered them useless and just a marketing thing. But my doctor told me otherwise. She is specialized in micro nutrients and amino acids – and changed my viewpoint. Here are my Top 5 Supplements you migth also try.

These are my Top 5 Supplements

Disclaimer: As I’m not a doctor, and everyone has different needs – I will not give you medical advice but highly suggest seeing a professional who can help you with your actual situation and may answer your questions concerning dosage and possible side-effects.

1. Magnesium Oil

I do not take these drinks, I do the Magnesium Oil. Magnesium Oil is made of Magnesium Chloride Flakes and Water. The lower you Magnesium level, they quicker the magnesium you take in as a drink is absorbed directly by the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore using Magnesium Oil can help you raising your magnesium levels much faster. Directly applied on to your skin, magensium gets little stinging especially when you are freshly shaved, but it is a far more efficient way to take in magnesium.          

Studies showed that the amount of magnesium we take in with our diet is below the recommended level.

Magnesium deficiency symptoms (amongst others):

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Headache
  • Sleep disorders
  • Muscle spasm and cramps
  • Nervousness
  • Disturbances of bone and vitamin D metabolism
  • Asthma
  • Pregnancy complications

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Blueberries contain lots of Vitamin C and Vitamin K and improve skin health

2. Vitamin D and Vitamin K2

If you live indoors, if you use sun screen, and if you are not exposed to sun due winter season, you may need Vitamin D and Vitamin K2. Vitamin D ensures calcium is absorbed, and Vitamin K2 direct it to the bones, where it is needed. As this two Vitamins work together as a team, it is suggested that you take both of them together.

Low levels of Vitamin D are not only associated with weak bone structure, but with depression, heart disease and even cancer.

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Eat Healthy
Supplements are good, healthy food is better

3. L-Lysine

Herpes anyone? Take it. Especially if you take L-Arginine to improve your overall performance.

The amino acid L-Lysine has an antagonistic relationship with L-Arginine: this amino acid not only helps you with your performance – as many athletes know, unfortunately it is also required for the replication of the HS-virus. L-Lysine helps the breakouts and to prevent them.

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4. 5-HTP

Before there were SSRIs there was 5-HTP.

Especially when you are suffering from a seasonal affective disorder, 5- HTP is a supplement worth the try. It was subscribed before the chemical anti-depressants have been discovered and was almost forgotten after then. However, clinical studies showed that it is as effective as SSRIs, with less side-effects. 5-HTP is extracted from seeds of the African plant Griffonia simplicifolia, and therefore all natural. You can get it without subscription.

It raises the serotonin levels in your body and may also help with migraines, sleep disorders and fibromyalgia.

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5. L-Carnitine

If you are vegan or vegetarian, you may also take some L-Carnitine from time to time. Mutton contains the highest levels of this amino acid, but it is also contained in other meat. It is needed for the health of the lungs but people also take it for weight loss and performance. Studies also suggest an impact on brain function.

The body produces L-Carnitine from L-Lysine and methionine, and especially when you eat vegan, you may need some extra.

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