Human Design: Too dogmatic?

You often hear of the accusation that the Human Design System is too dogmatic or unscientific. Is it true? First, let me state that I appreciate the Human Design System very much, and I would never underestimate it. But that doesn’t mean there is no room for improvement. This is exactly what we need to talk about.

Is the Human Design System too dogmatic?

In Facebook Groups, peeps are getting quite upset for various reasons: Some don’t see any improvement in the life of the people who are active in the experiment, especially when it comes to Projectors.

Some leave the Human Design Groups

Many Projectos believe they need an invitation for EVERYTHING, even for starting a social media account. Which is, of course, not the case. I don’t know why this rumor persists.

Even Ra Uru Hu stated that Projectors cannot afford to wait the whole time.

You only have to wait for the big events in life. Because it is obvious, that nobody will get nowhere by just sitting at home and waiting for life to happen. There is a big difference between initiating and making things happen – and actively waiting. I don’t say: Go, make things happen. Initiate, work bitch. No. But actively waiting means doing the stuff you like to do. Your aura will provide opportunities and invitations, but only when you give life the chance to provide. I would have never finished my studies, or even began with, when I would have waited for someone to invite me to go to university. It was an urge in me, which made me do so, and I followed. You see where I’m coming from. Of course, you can start a business, or friendship or whatever, but do it Projector-Style. That’s my point.

So, I understand that some leaving the groups and being upset about Projectors who just complain about life, but actually trying to find an excuse why nothing is happening. Harsh words, I know.

Some getting kicked out

But this covers just another issue, which is important to talk about. Some are also leaving the Groups, because they think that the people who are involved in the Human Design Theory are too dogmatic. And I can not blame them. Whenever you say something critical about Ra Uru Ho or the Human Design System, some people are stepping into the ring and take it personally.

Why is beeing critical such an issue?

Why not being critical? I find to NOT discuss the System is a missed opportunity. Just a few people tried to work on the Human Design System, trying to find new ways of interpretation, but they are earning so much negativity for that, always confronted with the statement: This is not Human Design. Maybe it is not, but why isn’t there room for that?

In my opinion, I blame the rigid business model of Jovian Archive. They are certifying and teaching the Human Design Consultants, and getting certified means paying them a lot of money. And then you have to be aligned with their teachings, otherwise they dismiss you.

A One Man Cult, or a Business Model?

So, you have a lot of peeps, preaching the same old prayers a man named Ra Uru Hu (^^) once preached. Humbly, they are reading his words over and over again, meditating on it, and this for almost 2 decades now. Ok, I’m a bit sarcastic now, I admit it, but as a scientist myself, this cult-like obsession with Ra Uru Hu makes me laugh. And by saying that, I don’t even think his teachings are as dogmatic as his pupils make them. Which is so often the case in the leader and follower dynamic. Sometimes I wish they would read him more closely, and not reduce him to the simplicities they understand. But after all, it is a marketing machine, right?

Yes, I’m a fan of the Human Design System and I think Ra Uru Hu was a genius. But you still can think that and take what he says with a grain of salt. As good as he was in inventing the system, his explanations of life are shallow, yes, I said that. And he often failed in making the synthesis, this is why his comes off so negative from time to time.

Is the Human Design System science or not?

Now to the scientific part. Is the Human Design System too dogmatic?

Yes, I think so. I do not want to get lost in the discussion whether the Human Design System is science or not. Because there are arguments for and against it. I mean, after all it is a theory, but even physics and psychology are theories. You always will find exactly, what you are looking for. Your mind will always find explanations for what is happing, how this universe is structured, it can explain everything for the good or the better. And whatever explanation you hold for the truth: You will be able to justify it. Tricky. I know.

The Occult Science is much more rigid than people think it is. There are rules you have to follow, before what you say can be taken seriously. First, you have to document the steps you made to come to a certain conclusion. Second, what you say must not contradict any other science. This makes it much more reliable in itself than it is obvious at first sight. You just can not say everything you like. What you say must be aligned with other teachings or systems.

Said that, there are some reasons to say the Human Design System is scientific. On the other hand, there were statements made, which are questionable. But this goes for psychology as well.

After all, what make a science scientific is its openess for discussion. People have to work with the stuff presented to them, do their own research, come to their own conclusions. And this is exactly what I miss about the Human Design System. The language used is old, I mean, the 80ies are long time ago. Ra Uru Hu is not alive anymore, and times and viewpoints change.

There is room for improvement

I think there could be a lot improvement made, if one would interpret the channels and their meaning from a more modern perspective. It seems, that the whole theory is frozen in time. And this is what people, especially Mental Projectors and peeps with defined Heads are feeling intuitively. I mean, the issue is deep. Some people are even afraid of losing their life at the Chiron Return, because Ra said that somewhere. This is not healthy. After all, the Human Design System is full of the twisted 80ies and early 90ies scientific believes on genetics and quantum science. I mean, when even genetics and quantum science made progression since then, why is it still the rank and file of a theory which claims to be scientific?

Let’s do some re-work here, without rejecting the whole system. If Human Design, and I believe that it is possible, still wants to be relevant in this new era we are heading towards, there is a lot of work waiting, lovelies.

As always, so much more needs to be said on that topic, but please, do me the favour and think for yourself.

Love, Leni

Projectors and Sport? How?

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